For more than a decade, global warming deniers have claimed that global warming has “ended” or “paused.” All such claims cherry-pick 1998 as the start-year. That year saw an extreme El Niño with temperatures well above the long-term average. By starting at a high point, you can falsely diminish the trend going forward. Then came 2014, the warmest year on record globally. But 2014 also put paid to the claims of a pause. As the animated chart shows, start the analysis in 1970 and the data point for 2014 lies exactly on the long-term trend line. The pause that never was has vanished.
Don’t be surprised if the next time a new high temperature record is set, and we will not have long to wait, the deniers will start counting from that year. Our motto should be, “once bitten, twice shy.” Download the animated chart here (mp4).
Click below each animation below to download it in various formats. If these do not work in Firefox, try Safari. I have updated some of these charts on my Youtube channel.
Data from other charts
The chart on the left shows that the carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere has come from fossil plants. The chart on the right shows that the CO2 comes from ancient plants: fossil fuels. Together they show that humans are the cause of observed global warming.